
Miche Levain Olive Bread Fruit Focaccia
Style Miche Levain Olive Bread Fruit Focaccia
Pair With Artisan cheese, stews, soups, wine, European butter Rustic fare, artisan cheeses, cured meats, soups, wine Antipasti, artisan cheeses, olive oil, wine, cured meats European butter, artisan cheeses, wine
Starter Chardonnay Grapes Cabernet Grapes Chardonnay Grapes Cabernet Grapes
Flour Unbleached Wheat, Whole Wheat, Dark Rye Unbleached Wheat Unbleached Wheat, Whole Wheat Unbleached Wheat
Description Crusty, Chewy, Complex Crusty, Slight Sour, Airy, Moist Soft, Chewy, Savory Soft, Chewy, Fruity, Complex
Usage 4 days, uncut 3 days, uncut 2 days, uncut 4 days, uncut

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